Friday, March 15, 2013

sun-shiny walk

Well, I got my sun-shiny walk yesterday with two of my favorite people: Sylvia and Louis.

It was G L O R I O U S...
The sun was so bright it was blinding and the drip-drops of melting snow provided a delightful background as we pranced down the walk.
Louis was most excited about eating the snow.

 And tried to make a snowman on the sidewalk.
And loved walking on the many low walls.
and, of course, sitting.


 Sylvia on the other hand wanted to run and run and when we caught up to her, Louis thought she had fallen and tried to help her up.


The main event of our traverse was PUDDLE JUMPING!


It was a pretty good sun-shiny walk and goodness knows we can't wait for more spring!

 "Yep, more spring!" Sylvia concurs.

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